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Should I Stay or Should I Go Now... / Please Don't Go!

There's pent-up demand in many industries and workloads are high. Employees are demanding flexibility of both schedule and location, and employers are exhausted from the challenges of constant adaptation. How do we meet in the middle, with satisfied employees at thriving businesses?

So what's to be done?

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(re)Emerging - it's not just for cicadas

Our long-term professional success - especially as we move into senior roles - depends upon identifying areas of strategic importance and making real progress. This is not just checking tasks off the to-do list. Rather it's about checking off the right tasks to make real progress on what matters! 

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Perspectives Joanna Kozlowski Perspectives Joanna Kozlowski

Take a walk - you never know what you may find!

Walking has gained a lot of attention during the pandemic. It's outside, free, takes limited equipment, and accommodates social distancing easily. Walking is also business relevant. Walking helps you think and spurs creativity. It can enhance memory and shift perspective on persistent challenges. Walking with others disrupts power dynamics and lowers conflict.

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Perspectives Joanna Kozlowski Perspectives Joanna Kozlowski

One Whole Year of What The Actual *!@#?

It's been a year of conflicting emotions. We've deeply examined business trends and choices; reimagined our relationship with technology; transformed how we discuss mental health and wellbeing; and opened a broad conversation about race, equity, and opportunity.

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